Yikes! The show is almost here. Been unpacking boxes and cataloging work for the show which opens on Friday night. What appeared to be a daunting task feels fairly under control right now thanks to the help of friends and family.
Having a one woman show is equally exciting and scary at the same time. So many details to fret over.
I think most of the pieces are labeled and placed, now its time to think about lighting, food, drink, flowers, and DUST! Somehow I think the dust fairies are working overtime and they are all at TWOXLart Gallery!
Hopefully everything will be in place by Friday. No matter what, come to the show to see my new work or just stop by to say hello.
Opening Friday August 26, 2011 6-9pm
Everyday Embellishments : The Utilitarian Pottery of Joyce M. Fujiwara
TWOXLart Gallery 370 DeHaro St@17th San Francisco, CA 94103
August 26-28 are solid dates with other viewing dates and times available, just
check our websites for updates or make an appointment through Sept 11, 2011.
websites to check out:
jfujiclayware.com but I guess you know that because you’re here